

Festival of Darkness Celebrates ‘Dracula’ This October

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Between October 21 and 30, Scotland’s will be serving as host of Festival of Darkness in celebration of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. “This is an opportunity to celebrate Aberdeenshire’s significant contribution to creating the world’s most famous vampire,” notes their official site. “Slains Castle fed Stoker’s imagination, and the jagged rocks gave life to Dracula’s […]

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‘Dead End Dating’ Book Series Being Adapted for TV

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A matchmaking agency for vampires, werewolves and other fantastic creatures as well as humans? That’s the premise behind Dead End Dating, an eight book series by best selling author Kimberly Raye which is currently being adapted into a television series designated for one of the streaming services by the Big Screen Entertainment Group. Enthuses the […]

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Jared Leto Goes Behind the Scenes on ‘Morbius’

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In a new featurette released by Sony Pictures, actor Jared Leto takes viewers behind the scenes on his upcoming vampire film based on the Marvel character Morbius. Describes Leto, “Morbius is a Marvel character who’s been an important part of the universe. He’s brilliant, he’s strong, he’s got some unique powers, but these powers seem […]

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‘The Vampire Chronicles’ Vampires Explained

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It what is going to be the first in a series of videos, YouTube user Harry Potter Folklore has launched the umbrella series, “Vampires Explained.” Here is the description they offer: “Despite there being many different vampire franchises, they all have at least one thing in common, they drink blood, but honestly thats about it. […]

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